Mr John Plakat 18x24 cm - Mrs. Mighetto
Fri fragt over 499,-
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PDenne fine og eventyrlige tegning på Mr John børneplakaten er trykt efter den oprindelige akvareltegning af de 2 svenske kunstnere Malin og Anna og trykt på 300 g Munken Polar Rough mat papir for at bibeholde fornemmelsen af den originale akvareltegning. Børneplakaten er trykt i et begrænset oplag og bliver ikke genoptrykt.
Hver eneste af figurerne i Mrs Mighettos univers har deres helt egen personlighed og historie. Du kan læse Mr Johns historie her:
… Early one morning when John was born, a new sun appeared in the sky. In addition to the sun that already shone, there was also a much smaller, but darker, double. John is the light of day and the dark of night. His sun is extremely powerful; he controls it with his thoughts and shines it wherever it is needed. Even at night there’s always an aura of light around John and in his presence, it’s always a little warmer. Limited edition, when it's sold out, it is sold out forever.
Denne fine plakat til børneværelset er fra Mrs Mighettos serie My Tiny Teater SS19